An Actors Blog . . .

Saturday, 20 February 2010

I Have Dived And I Am Still In One Piece!

That is me above!
So Saturday the Twentyth has been an gone. This means that my sky dive has been and gone! Can you believe it? Blimey! That came and went quickly! I'm still finding it quite difficult to believe that I have jumped 10,000 ft (2 miles) out of a plane! Truley amazing! It was just out of this world, literally!
When we arrived I was a little un-sure on wether the dive would take place or not due to an icy run way. But . . . it was still scheduled to go and I could not wait. So I got kitted up, underwent some training and packed my self into the little plane. It took about half an hour to get up to the right height. Guess what!? I was the first to dive. So, the door opened and literally out we went! WOW! We were free falling and I could feel the cold on my face. Infact it felt like the cold was going right through my skull and giving me brain freeze. Just as I thought my face was going to explode, the parachute was released and we glided back to earth. We could see for miles up there. Just floating around slowly enjoying the view. I was even allowed to take reins and steer this crazy thing. We landed safetly, sliding along on our bums!
I cannot believe it! I sky dived! Wonderful!

I would like to say a maseph thank you to everyone who has sponsored me. I am still recieving sponsors to this day and can confirm that at this moment in time I have raised (so far) over £520.00 for Breakthrough Breast Cancer! Thank you so much everyone!
I dived with a photographer who filmed my dive and took proffessional photographs for me. So as soon as I recieve those I will put them up! For now here are a few taken by mi familia!

If you still wish to sponsor me for my dive, that's fine. Just let me know. I have 3 weeks to collect the money. So that gives you a little time to get it to me. Let's keep raising folks! :-)

Don't laugh at the get up. I hear these hats are in, Lady Gaga said so!