Goodbye Old Job, Hello Urban Voice LTD
You heard right. Today is my last day working for BAE Systems. I begin worth with Urban Voice LTD straight away Monday morning. Some of you may have heard me mention this particular company before. As I have always worked as a freelance actress for them. Well, now they are taking me on full time for the next 6 months to cover Nicola Byrne while she is off on maternity.
A Little Bit About Urban Voice Limited:
Urban Voice Limited is a Midlands based production company dedicated to using the performing arts and new media to educate, entertain and inform.
We endeavour to provide a broad spectrum of work and have forged a reputation built on professionalism and quality.
Our work sees an experienced team of professionals (Enhanced CRB checked) developing performing arts based programmes for a wide range of organisations. These include facilitating community projects, developing youth theatre, special projects for schools and touring new and innovative productions.
We also produce bespoke training products for both the public and private sector including role-play, forum-based events and film production.
Urban Voice Limited Web Address:
Urban Voice Limited Blog Address:
There is a link to this Theatre Company on my sidebar too.
I am super excited for Monday to come around as I can't wait to start working for Urban Voice. It is going to be a fantastic experience for me. I will be blogging just as regularly don't you worry. Hopefully each post will be really interesting as I'm sure I will be doing more exciting stuff than sitting behind a computer desk all day. ;-) I cant wait to bring drama to the community and to children's education.
While I think about it I have been leafleting this week for them. I have been sending off the following to local schools. Have a little look and see what you think.
These are wonderful drama based packages for Primary Schools. Please don't hesitate to get in contact if you wish to find out more.