My Sky Dive In The Newspaper
In order to make sponsoring easier for people I dont know i.e: Newspaper readers, I have set up a just giving site. This means that you can sponsor or donate at the click of a button. Rather than passing on details.. It's just that bit more easier. I have installed the donating widget to the sidebar of this blog. Just give it a click if you wish to sponsor. It would be super if you did! Only got 4 weeks left of raising. So let's go for it!
Follow this link to my Just Giving Site or click Widget in side bar:
Another bit of good news. Below is my sky dive video! Woo hoo!
Hope you like the video. Can't believe how high it was. 2 miles high! wahhh
Also, Dont forget to vote for to be the face of the United Colours Of Benetton catalogues 2010. Click the following link to vote: