Headshots That I Promised . . .
So I have managed to get my hands on a few of my headhsots in the style of a contact form ;-) I am really chuffed with them. The ones we have selected that is. Some of them were shocking. I had crossed eyes on some of them, wrinkled up noses on the other and i'm sure that on one I almost looked like I was dribbling. Which I feel is not a very good luck. Atall! So my three contact sheets are here for you to have a little mooch around. Please bare in mind that they are only email quality. So 72dpi, this isn't how they will look printed (obviosully) They will look far more sharp and ready.
Ok so there you have them. Obviouslly a much smaller selection of shots will be chosen but untill then, this is me and my headhsots.
I must say a maseph thank you to Blakemore photography (Joanne Blakemore) for taking my photographs. I had a great day taking them. It was a real laugh. I couldn't keep my face straight half the time due to laughing so much. We had a great time. I would reccomend them any day. If you want to find out more about Blakemore Photgraphy just drop me an email and I will point you in the right direction, No worries.
Also . . . .
I wanted to mention. If you read this blog regulary or you just happened to stumble acorss it, either or ither, no worries. And you would like to Advertise, be interviewd, share an opinion etc: Please let me know and I would love to do a post on you or your given subject. It would be brilliant so ...
-If your a band with a new single (Let me know)
- If your a model with a new photograph (Let me know)
- If you an artist with a new painting (Let me know)
-If you have seen the most amamzing show and want to review it (Let me know)
Really really do LET ME KNOW. It would be great to do a post on you.
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