An Actors Blog . . .

Monday, 1 February 2010

1st Of The Month This Means . . .

(I am aware that this post is not one of performance but I really thought you should know ...)

20 days, and I stress 20 days to go before my leap for breast cancer. The dive is growing ever closer! Am I nervouse yet? Noo, seriously I'm not. I'm excited and up for it. But that scares me. I should be nervous. Surely the thought of launching myself out of a un-stable plane 10,000 ft up should be enough to evoke some nerves in me. But I'm afriad not. No siree, I'm looking forward to it! :-)
Also I am super pleased with how my raising is coming along! So far I have managed to raise the grand total of:
£427.00 and . . . Still raising! So get those sponsors coming in guys! :-)

On the subject of sponsors. I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has sponsored me. I am very graetful but for all those that haven't yet ... Cammon! Get em in!

If you wish to dive for Breakthrough Breast Cancer too, or just donate a one off or monthly donation please visit: