An Actors Blog . . .

Friday, 16 April 2010

Chris Evans. Like Or Dislike?

So every morning I wake to the Radio 2 breakfast show (damn that alarm.) As most of you know, it used to Be Mr Terry Wogan that greeted us with a good morning wake up call. But, nowadays we are awoke by the sounds of Mr Chris Evans himself. for some a delight for others an instant turn off. But why? I will be honest with you. I very much enjoyed Terry Wogans breakfast show. I found it easy to listen to and a great way to start my day and those feelings have not changed now that Chris Evans has taken over. I really like his show. I don't agree with the folk sayin "He is too loud, He is too brash, He dosen't know what he is doing etc etc etc:
I happen to be a big fan of the Radio 2 breakfast show, always have. Honestyly, I think I enjoy it that bit more now. Thanks to Chris Evans. It's got that element of fun that was needed. No, I dont agree that their is too much going on. I don't agree with that at all. It's just a fast paced, different every day, lively show.
I have been reading up on people views regarding this subject. Here are some views I cam across. See if you agree or disagree.
"I think Chris Evans is a breath of fresh air and what I have heard of his show has been fantastic. It's great to hear Chris back where he belongs."

"I don't like Evans' 'style' or his voice, and both are in total contrast to Wogan. I have endured two days but won't bother any more - which is possibly the reaction of other listeners of 'my' generation (over-60).No doubt Mr Evans will gain a younger audience to replace the (probably) older listeners that he has lost.... "
"It was inevitable that Chris Evans was going to replace Wogan. Evans was a success on Drivetime and he will be a success on the breakfast show. "
"I like Chris, if i could change anything it would be no phone-ins. "
So what do you make of the above quotes? The were taken from an online forum. Blimey! Things get quite heated in those things don't they? Some people, adults I must add. Really do come across as children on forums. Wish they would think about what they saying before they type it out and hit send. Their comments can make them look quite childish. But then again every one is entitled to type what they will, after all it is a free country and all that milarkeeeeee!
I am intrigued. Let me know your opinions on Mr Chris Evans himself. Let's get our very own little DEBATE happening right here on "An Actors Blog"
I am a fan! But that dosen't mean you have to be ....
Thought I would leave you with this little bad boy. Even if you do dislike Chris, there's no denying that this is a very funny video. Well I laughed anyway! Enjoy . . .