An Actors Blog . . .

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Blogger Break

Been Somewhere Nice?

I have (As I do often) been on a blogging break. Apologies if this has ruined anyones day, week, month or whatever. However, I'm sure it hasn't - Pretty sure in fact!

On a serious note - I do apologise if it has been a Little inconsistent of me. It's just I do have to do it from time to time. I like to just have a break from it the second it starts to feel a little chorish. Does that make sense? I want writing my Blog to be something fun and exciting but every now and then it loses it's flare and that is when I think to myself "I won't let that happen so I'm calling it a day until my inspiration comes back!" Well, now it has. I'm back! And I'm pleased to announce it! :-) (Hopefully, your as pleased to hear it.)

Now has anything pretty amazing happened since the last time we spoke? Actually, it has! I don't know if you remember but me and my good friend Maria have been taking part in the 'Gold Challenge 2012' for the Olympics. Guess what!?! We got invited to THE Olympic stadium to be 2 of the very first people to run 100 meters on the track and all in aid of 'Breakthrough Breast Cancer' as well. So all in all it was a stupendous day. The stadium is huge and the security to get into the place was immense. It was such a wonderful experience and both Maria and I will treasure it for a long time, we really will.

This photograph is of us being interviewed for 'ITV Central' - Couldn't get my words out and to make matters worse, I forgot to take my chewing gum out! Nice one!

So all in all - A nice break away from the blog had by me. My inspiration and motivation has returned and the old writers blog has been banished. I do hope you are all well and still wish to continue reading my rants and raves. It would be wonderful to hear from some of you. I'd like to know what you lot have been up to. Exciting things I hope.


  1. Jess, I forgot to take my chewing gum out when the camera man was taking a video of me during my wedding video! One to remember..

  2. Nice work Jess! Looks like it was better than a break! I hope you enjoyed yourself! you look like a natural on camera!

  3. Chloe Zimmer - It was a lovely break thanks. I have just had another also :-/ Ha ha!
    Thank you for your 'natural on camera' comments. Most kind!
    Just about to pop a new post up - I hope you like and can help?


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